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Parts Work: A Path of the Heart (2022)

This book describes the healing that can occur when IFS is integrated with the spiritual life of the person doing inner “Parts Work.” The transcripts of individual sessions illustrate this process and are accompanied by commentary about the process, both from the viewpoint of the therapist and from the client’s viewpoint.


Parts Work: An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life (2007)

This book describes our inner psychological world with drawings which are moving, thought-provoking, sometimes humorous and often poignant. The book shows how we can disentangle ourselves from the problematic habitual patterns in which we get stuck, and offers ways of positively using our particular talents and style for a fuller life. Through practical examples as well as clinical illustrations, the book helps us to understand ourselves and others better.


Praise from Dick Schwartz, the developer of IFS: 
This book brings IFS to life in an exceptionally clear and captivating way. Between the evocative and fun illustrations,  the living room metaphor, and the integration with Buddhism, it presents a wonderfully creative vision of the way our parts dance with each other and with us in our minds. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to learn about the IFS model or about their inner lives.

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Tom's Journal Publications 

Spirituality in Systemic Practices 

Journal of Systematic Therapies - vol 13 (3) 26-35

IFS Spirituality & Self

Journal of Self Leadership Volume 3, Number 1


Poetry of the Self
Journal of Self Leadership: Special Spirituality Issue
Curricula Vitae
CV of Publications: Professor Emeritus: Western Michigan University 

Boeckler, Herman, Trautwein, Holmes and Singer (2017). "Know Thy Selves: Learning to Understand Oneself Increases the Ability to Understand Others." The Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1:197-209.


Holmes, Tom (2010)   Reisen in Die Innenwelt.  Koesel Verlag, Muenchen.  Second edition,(2011), third edition (2012), fourth revised edition (2013).


Holmes, Thomas, R. (2006). Poetry of the Self. Journal of Self Leadership : Special Issue: Spirituality and Self Leadership.


Holmes, Thomas, R. (2006) IFS Spirituality and Self. Journal of Self Leadership ; Special Issue: Spirituality and Self Leadership.


Vass, Jamison, Holmes, Walker (Eds. )(2001). Seeds of Awakening . Kalamazoo: New Issues Press.


Holmes, T., R. (2001). Mindfulness. In Vass, Jamison, Holmes, Walker ( eds .), Seeds of Awakening. Kalamazoo: New Issues Press.


Holmes, T., R. (2001). Relationship and Health. In: Vass, Jamison, Holmes, Walker ( eds ), Seeds of Awakening . Kalamazoo: New Issues Press 


Holmes, and Koznar , J. (1998). The Impact of Independence for the Czech Republic on the Development of Community Mental Health Services. International Journal of Mental Health ; Fall 1998, V. 27, No 3.


Holmes, T.R. (1995). A history of childhood abuse as predictor variable: implications for outcome research. Re: Social Work Practice, 5 (3).


Holmes, T.R. (1995). A history of childhood abuse: A key variable in client response to short-term treatment. Families in Society, 76 (6).


Holmes, Thomas, R. (1994). Spirituality and systems theory: An internal family systems perspective. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 13 (3), 26-35.


Holmes, Thomas and Mathews, Gary (1993 ) Innovations in international cross-cultural social work education. Arete , 18 ( 1 ), 43-47.


Wijnberg , Marion, H. and Holmes, Thomas R. (1992 ) Adaptation to divorce: the impact of role orientation on family life cycle perspectives. Families in Society , 73 (3), 159-167.


Holmes, Thomas R. and Hokenstad , Merl , C. (1991). Mental health services: an international perspective. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare , 18 (2), 5-23.


Winged Heart Press

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